About Us
Welcome! The Miami Valley Knitting Guild was founded in 2012. We are a group of knitters (and crocheters!) who have joined together in the interest of furthering our skills in a warm and open environment. It doesn’t matter if you are a master knitter or haven’t yet learned how to cast on – come join us for some fun.
We meet the first Tuesday of most months at 7:00 pm at the Centerville Church of Christ. Everyone is welcome to join us for free! Come early to knit and let us get to know you (social knitting starts at 6:30). Our meetings consist of a short business meeting followed by either something educational or a social knitting time. Visit our Meetings page for details on upcoming meetings.
We publish a newsletter, Beyond the Stitch each month in conjunction with our meetings. Although you may attend the meetings for free, you must be a paid member to receive the newsletter. You can request a one-time free newsletter by selecting the email button at the bottom of this page and requesting it. The Join or renew your membership on our Membership page will take you to where you can join our lovely guild.
Visit the Community Knitting page to learn about charity knitting opportunities and how you can support them. Gather with fellow knitters for social knitting —days and times are listed on the Community Knitting page.
In addition to our meetings, we can be found at some local events teaching people about fiber arts. Those events can be found on the Events page.
The current board members are:
President: Denise Dickson
Vice President: Lisa Loftin
Secretary: Leigh Duncan
Treasurer: Janice Hudson